At JPC, we have a gospel-based approach to Christian growth, and a pastoral care structure through which Christians are discipled, cared for and helped to live out the church's vision of godly living, church growth and changing Britain. Through small fellowship groups, Celebrate Recovery, individual pastoral support, and prayer, we care for one another throughout everyday life and through times of particular need.

Pastoral Support

The pastoral care team aims to provide prayer support, practical care and encouragement for new parents, people who are unwell or in hospital, or who have any other need. Members of the team offer one-to-one pastoral support for anyone who is struggling or who wishes to share confidential concerns. Celebrate Recovery is a Christ centred programme helping people find freedom from hurts, hang ups and habits.

In the first instance, please contact Ramzi Adcock, Liz Jackson or Carolyn Hosie if you would like to speak with someone or if you would like to arrange an appointment or a visit. We will do our best to arrange the most appropriate pastoral care as quickly as possible.