We meet every Sunday at 10.30am and 6.30pm for morning and evening services, with Bible readings, songs, prayers and a sermon. Both services are streamed online at jpc.org.uk/livestream

The 10.30am service includes groups for under 14's - Baby/Toddler Creche, Scramblers, Climbers (school year R-2), Explorers (school year 3-6) and Pathfinders (school year 7-9).

  • Climbers, Explorers and Pathfinders join the service for the first ten minutes and then leave to join their groups.
  • Children for Creche and Scramblers are dropped off at their groups before the service begins.

If you need assistance, ask one of the sidemen when you arrive.

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Morning Service: 1 Kings
The Faithful Few

Israel. 800s BC. The official leaders of God’s people have turned away from God and his Word. The faithful are few and under pressure, and the Lord doesn’t seem to be doing anything to change their fortunes. (Sound familiar?) Enter Elijah – whom the Lord uses for his glory and his people’s good… and for our encouragement.

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Evening Service: Titus
Transforming Grace

The big idea in Paul’s letter to Titus is that God’s grace transforms people – and that you can tell who really knows God by their godly living. So Paul spells out what godly living looks like, and how grace motivates and enables it. Mahatma Ghandi once told Christians, ‘I would believe in your Redeemer if you looked more redeemed.’ And that’s why the message of Titus matters.

You can catch up with sermons from previous weeks on clayton.tv or on Print&Audio.

Download the July to September termcard here.